What’s the best camera technique that you know? There are many camera techniques out there that we can use to achieve the desired result. In this video, Rob Kaczmark shares an enjoyable camera technique you may or may not have heard of before. Join us as he teaches how to do it and exhibits some incredible shots using this technique.
“I want to share with you an entertaining camera technique called lens whacking. What the heck is lens whacking? That’s when you take your lens and place it in front of your camera, but you don’t attach it. You can do this with any camera and lens; however, I liked this Nikon 50mm lens. It’s small, it’s light, and it’s cheap. You set your aperture to wide open (f/1.8) and your focus to infinity, and you place it in front of the camera without attaching it. You move it farther and closer to get things in focus; by doing so, you get some cool organic light leaks. You can do it for stills or video, but if you use video, I recommend 60 frames a second to help cushion some of the head movements.”